Kabinet žonglérských kuriozit
Cabinet of juggling curiosities
A juggling excursion into the depths and secrets of skillful manipulation of objects. Myths, facts, arguments and unexpected connections. A performance blurring the boundaries between theatre, new circus, stand-up comedy and scientific lecture.
This performance is not only a glorification of one circus discipline, but also a thoughtful advocacy of juggling. All this wrapped in the authentic and original humor of the Brothers in a trick, who will serve you a performance that will make you want to throw it away too!
- performers: Adam Jarchovský, Václav Jelínek
- dramaturgy, directors: Bratři v tricku
- lenght of the show: 50 min
- age: + 8 let
Thank you for support Prague City, Ministry of culture of Czech Republic, State Cultural Fund and District Prague 7.